Recent Events
Recent Events – January 2016
Values in healthcare: A Spiritual Approach (VIHASA)
Over the last year, keen facilitators in India, South Africa and UK have run a number of VIHASA activities, including the annual VIHASA facilitator trainings in Johannesburg, [read report here] and at Mt Abu India [read report here]. For several years now these have been annual events. See also the report on day retreats in Kent, UK [read report here]
The JF team took part in a number of exciting events in the summer of 2015:
June: JF exhibited at the International Day of Yoga, at Leicester Brahma Kumaris centre.
July: Dr Sarah Eagger, Consultant Psychiatrist was a keynote speaker at Huddersfield University Conference on Spirituality & Mental Health organised by Huddersfield University and South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Trust.
July: An Introduction to JF for 30 Japanese healthcare professionals who were visiting the UK to see the West London Cancer Support Centre and to attend a meditation retreat. One of the participants was inspired to translate the VIHASA pack into Japanese.
July: A partnership /collaborative retreat between the Janki Foundation and the Transformational Leadership in Care (TLC) group of the Brahma Kumaris titled: Integration, Innovation & Integrity – and the focus was on health and social care working together!
September: JF chairperson, Neville Hodgkinson gave the keynote address and ran an afternoon workshop for an NHS study day—‘The Science of Spirituality – Exploring the Inner World of Consciousness’ organised by South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Trust.