Living and Dying with Dignity & Peace
Event Date
13, Aug 2013
@ 7:30 AM - 9:00 PMEvent Location
Global Co-operation House, 65-69 Pound Lane, London NW10 2HH
Event Organizer
The Janki Foundation
The Jank Foundation Lecture
To watch this lecture please click here
By Andy Bradley
Founding Director of Framework 4 Change
One of ‘Britain’s 50 New Radical’ thinkers……..
An event supporting health professionals, caregivers & patients
With address by Dadi Janki, President, The Janki Foundation
Guest performance: Lucinda Drayton, singer songwriter (A Hundred Thousand Angels).
The National Health Service and health and social care systems around the globe are facing unprecedented change. Care and nursing homes for older people receive routinely negative press attention. A feeling persists that many older people in our western culture are devalued, left out, lonely – without a strong voice.
The ability to show respect and regard and to maintain a way of caring and being which upholds a person’s dignity depends on how we feel inside ourselves.
Are we treating ourselves with dignity?
How can our work of care-giving be infused with a sense of meaning and higher purpose?
How can we enable the spirit of care and its healing presence to be felt?
This talk and experience will offer a rich opportunity to connect with the deepest meaning of dignity and compassion so that respect can be found for ourselves, each other and this precious life.
Guest speaker: Andy Bradley, founder of Frameworks 4 Change is recognised as one of ‘Britains 50 New Radical’ thinkers – his vision is that when we are vulnerable within the health and social care system we should be met with consistent kindness. Having spent time living alongside elders requiring care and support in his family home Andy developed a vision for deep change so that care homes and hospitals can see themselves as thriving humane compassionate communities.
President’s Address: Dadi Janki, President of the Janki Foundation and Administrative Head, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.
“The ability to live according to your values, in an unwavering way, depends on how well you have realised your true spiritual identity, and have begun to cultivate that inner state of dignity”
Dadi Janki
Chair: Arnold Desser is an educational consultant with the London Deanery of Postgraduate Medical Education. He works clinically in the NHS with chronically ill individuals and their families.
About the Organisers: The Janki Foundation is a UK charity promoting spirituality in health care. It supports healthcare professionals through values-based dialogue and training, and contributes to general wellbeing through inspirational books, CDs and lectures.